At Buller CPA Services, LLC, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs and offer transparent pricing.

Advanced Tax Planning for Business Owners

[compnayName] offers advanced tax planning for Baton Rouge business owners. Discover our comprehensive strategies to safeguard more of your money.
person analyzing documents at home with computer


Many tax professionals have an ad hoc approach to tax planning if they even do tax planning. I have been guilty of it myself in the past. It was only when I decided to focus my practice on business owners that want to grow their business and profits that the need for a systematic approach to legally keep as much of those profits as possible really crystallized. Ad hoc tax planning would not do. In fact, it’s really a contradiction in terms. Oh, I was always proud of the tax strategies I presented to clients that saved them money, but there was always more that could be done if only I had the time to do the research. Focusing on you and your business gives me that time to provide you with a comprehensive package of tax strategies that your typical tax professional just isn’t in the position to prepare. Our services include:

  • Comprehensive tax planning

  • Tax preparation

  • Tax plan implementation where applicable

If you would like a free consultation to see if our tax planning approach is right for you, please fill out and submit the form below.

The data you provide in this form and all data you provide is strictly confidential and will not be shared with third-parties without your express written consent or by court order.